T:07775 024 142 E:nina@floranina.co.uk

Autumn Flower Workshop

  • 12th September 2015

Why not come along to Shabulous, 30 Brunswick Road, Shoreham-by-Sea, and take part in a friendly and informal autumn flower workshop from 2.00pm to 4.00pm.

We will be making an arrangement in lovely reds, oranges and yellows to celebrate the herald of autumn.

Please bring along a few flowers in the above colours, such as Gerbera, Dahlia, sunflowers, gladioli, roses, Chrysanthemum or similar. I will provide foliage, containers, floral foam and other related sundries which you can purchase on the day for £5.00.

The cost of the course is £25.00. Please contact Emma Burt of Shabulous on 07837 053747 to book your place.

I look forward to seeing you then!

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